About Me
Born and bred in WA, I studied Spanish and Japanese at school. After leaving, I continued my Japanese studies at TAFE, and there saw Auslan being used for the first time. By the end of the year I had completed a weekend course ‘Introduction to the Deaf Community and Culture’ at the WA Deaf Society (now Deaf Connect) and enrolled in 2 years of Auslan at Central Metropolitan TAFE (now North Metropolitan TAFE).
Roll on 20 years and I am a NAATI Certified Conference Interpreter (Auslan to English) with a Master of Translation and Interpreting Studies. Currently I’m enrolled in the European Masters of Sign Language Interpreting (EUMASLI). I continued my studies while gaining experience interpreting in community, medical, legal, education, theatre and conference settings. I’ve previously taught on the Diploma of Auslan at North Metropolitan TAFE and the Diploma of Interpreting at North Metropolitan TAFE and Deaf Connect and I’ve expanded my skills to include mentoring, captioning, voice-overs and transcription. I have a firm belief in access as a human right and a passion for supporting interpreter practitioners and the industry to ensure the Deaf Community has access.
Get in touch
I know that finding the right interpreter is a choice not to be taken lightly. If you’re unsure what kind of service you need, get in touch. If I can’t provide it, I’ll put you in touch with those who can help you.
Contact me ▸
Covered by ASLITA Group Insurance Policy: 03-MIS-I-0016057 - details available upon request.
Qualifications & Credentials
NAATI Certified Conference Interpreter - Auslan into English: CPN8XF09T
NAATI Certified Interpreter: CPN8XF09T
Assessing Auslan Development Accreditation
Master of Translation and Interpreting Studies
Master of Disability Studies (Sensory Disability)
Post-Graduate Diploma of Auslan-English Interpreting
Diploma of Interpreting
Diploma of Business (Governance)
Certificate IV Training and Assessment
Certificate III of Events
Activities & Affiliations
ASLITA Life member
Various ASLIA positions 2004-2024
AUSIT inTouch editorial board 2016-2023
Deaf Australia Member
WFD Individual Member
WASLI Individual Member
WAITI Member
CIT Member
EFSLI member
Professionals Australia Member